API Typodont FZ Peedo Individual Tooth


These teeth are replaceable teeth of Api Typodont Jaw Set FZ Peedo ,with the help of  screw-in teeth that are composed of materials which allow students and professionals to drill cavity preparations and fill them with restorative material, such as amalgam or composite, or prepare the plastic teeth for crowns and bridges.

SKU: Api Typodont Peedo Teeth Category: Tag:


Typodont teeth FZ Peedo  are  made of high class resin / Plastic with properties equal to human teeth used for educational tool for dental and hygienist students, allowing them to practice certain dental procedures on model before actually performing the procedures on live patients.

These teeth are replaceable, screw-in teeth that are composed of materials which allow students to drill cavity preparations and fill them with restorative material, such as amalgam or composite, or prepare the plastic teeth for crowns and bridges.


  • Pre-clinical practice
  • Educational Model
  • Easy way to understand dental anatomy

Additional information

Weight 10 g
Dimensions 25 × 10 × 1 cm
API Typodont FZ Peedo Individual Tooth

Peedo Premolar Lower Right #74, Peedo 2nd Molar Upper Left #56, Peedo 1st Molar Lower Right #75, Peedo Cental Incisor Upper Right #61, Peedo 2nd Molar Lower Right #76, Peedo Lateral Incisor Upper Right #62, Peedo Cental Incisor Lower Left #81, Peedo Canine Upper Right #63, Peedo Lateral Incisor Lower Left #82, Peedo Premolar Upper Right #64, Peedo Canine Lower Left #83, Peedo 1st Molar Upper Right #65, Peedo Premolar Lower Left #84, Peedo Cental Incisor Upper Left #51, Peedo 2nd Molar Upper Right #66, Peedo 1st Molar Lower Left #85, Peedo Lateral Incisor Upper Left #52, Peedo Cental Incisor Lower Right #71, Peedo 2nd Molar Lower Left #86, Peedo Canine Upper Left #53, Peedo Lateral Incisor Lower Right #72, Peedo Premolar Upper Left #54, Peedo Canine Lower Right #73, Peedo 1st Molar Upper Left #55


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